Hair Transplantation 101  

1You might be wondering what is hair transplant; it is actually a procedure that originates in the US in the 50s. As a matter of fact, this is a form of surgery which involves narrow strips of hair bearing scalps located at the back of the head be removed and then used to fill an area with thin or no hair already.

Majority of the procedures are carried out in the office of doctors like Dr Christopoulos under local anesthesia. The surgeon has to clean the scalp first to be able to successfully transplant hair. Then after, he or she is going to inject a local anesthesia to make the area feel numb. 3 to 4 inch strips of scalp would be removed from the area once done; when through, the surgeon will be setting it aside and sew the scalp closed. The hair that grows around the area will immediately hid it.

And then, around 500 to 2000 tiny grafts containing individual hair or few hairs each is what the surgeon will do by dividing the strip of scalp that was removed. The number of grafts and its type can be determined based on the quality, type, color and even size of area where it’ll be transplanted.

The surgeon will then clean and numb the area where the hair would be placed when the grafts are finally prepared. Placing each and every graft in all holes delicately is the next step. Most of the time, the overall process takes around 4 to 8 hours. Say for example that you want to achieve a thicker hair or you keep on losing it, then there may be a need for additional sessions. Check out for natural ways to cure hair loss.

You may notice that your scalp is tender after the hair transplantation is carried out. You have to take some pain medications for a few days in order to endure the pain. Wearing surgical dressing over your scalp for a day or two will be suggested by your surgeon. In addition to that, your surgeon will be giving you anti-inflammatory or antibiotic prescription that you have to take for several days after the surgery. There are so many people who’re able to get back into their normal routine after the hair transplantation. Click here to book an appointment with the best surgeon near you.

Within 2 to 3 weeks, the transplanted hair would fall out but you will notice new hair growth within several months. 60 percent of new hair growth after their 6th to 9th month are attained by lots of people. There are some surgeons who are suggesting drugs in order to improve the growth of hair after the transplantation.

Hair Transplantation 101  

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