Hair Transplantation – Essential Things to Consider  

5In today’s generation, many are suffering from acute hair loss issue. This is a problem that is usually a hereditary. The only way for you to aid this problem is through a transplant surgery. Before considering to undergo a permanent hair transplant, there are some factors that you need to know.

  1. Know the procedure of the transplantation. Doing your own research is a must before you get a hair transplantation. Do your own research regarding the different good procedures used in transplant such as the micrograft transplant, follicular unit transplant and ultra refined grafting.
  1. Talk with the patients. Discuss about the different procedures, the benefits and downsides of the procedure and the reputation of the doctor like MD Christopoulos and the clinic. You can also use the internet to get proper information.
  1. You need to choose a surgeon. Know who are the experienced and skilled surgeons. You can visit online reviews to know who are the best surgeons. A reliable and reputable surgeon is always the best choice.
  1. Know the cost of the hair transplant procedures. There are various types of procedures you can use. The cost also may differ from one procedure to the other procedure. When you get the procedure that is effective in less time, then you will pay a little bit higher. When choosing a procedure, you need also to consider your budget. Read about proper hair care here at
  1. Know about the hair frontal transplants. Today, one of the most common issue that people are facing is the frontal hair loss. In this case, you will be advised by a surgeon to have a frontal hair transplantation.
  1. When using an hair growth products, make sure to carefully choose them. Not all of the products available for you are effective. Some of them are a lie. You need to check if the product is certified by FDA before you buy one.
  1. Be knowledgeable regarding the post surgical care. After the surgery, you might need to have a balance diet, volumize shampoos, and to have vitamin supplements and minerals. Click here to learn more about the procedures for hair transplant.
  1. Do not believe on the myths. The common reason for hair loss that people believed in are malnutrition, tension and allergy. However, these are just myths. So, if you are having hair loss problems, choose a hair transplant.
  1. Choose the best clinic. Today, you will know different clinics available, but it is very important for you to get the best one. Search the internet to know who are the best clinic in your place.

When planning to get a hair transplant, make sure to consider these few guidelines first.

Hair Transplantation – Essential Things to Consider  

The Benefits of the Hair Transplantation Process  

Man with glassesA hair transplantation process is really well known all over the globe and it is simply because the kind of process that the individual would go through would result in the quick revival of his or her losing hair, then also the organic growth of the individual’s hair would again begin just like its health before.  Almost all of the hair transplantation companies have their strategies or methods and have the appropriate equipment for testing your hair. These specialists only want the best for you and so that you can enjoy the growth of your hair. If you want to know further more about the hair transplantation process, then here are some of the things that you can keep in mind for this term.

With our times today and even before, there are really people who have issues with their hair and how it diminishes. Some people are suffering from baldness, very thin hair, hairlines that are not fixed properly and other signs of baldness. For that reason, because more individuals are having difficulties these kinds of aspects, then there is a solution designed for these things. Hair transplantation has been a popular way on how to treat the hair problems of people and have an effective result on them. Read to know how hair loss for women are treated.

Several organizations that manage hair transplant have their own accessories or resources, and these are really created for a sure function. The specialists only think of a way on how to reduce the case of individuals who are bald and are suffering because of loss of hair. Obviously, there are a lot of kinds of hair transplantation, so it is essential for the individual to pick which one would be the best for himself or herself.  Plenty of factors are there that you should know with hair transplant procedure, and you should be considering that. However, before you further learn about this method, you should know first what the significance of this hair transplant procedure by MD. Athanasios Christopoulos is for an individual.

That process of the transplantation of sequence of hair from the other places of the skin or whole body to the other places is usually known as the hair transplantation process. As a thing,two areas of one’s whole body is there that contains hair follicles. Other aspect is the contributor part and the other aspect is also known as the receiver part. This is really confirmed that this therapy can really treat the hair lack of a person. Of course, if you are going to undergo this kind of treatment, then you will also see the changes in your hair. Plenty of factors are really there or techniques that you can do not just the hair transplant. This kind of treatment is only well known because of its effectiveness and its quick solution for your hair loss. If you wish to book an appointment with a doctor, check this website.

The Benefits of the Hair Transplantation Process  

Hair Transplantation: Helping Bald Men Everywhere  

3Alopecia is a condition that affects a growing number of men today. According to statistics, four out of seven men are actually experiencing this today. There is no definite age as to when this starts for men – usually men at the age of 35 already experience this but lately, it starts as early as 20.

Hair transplantation is slowly becoming a common option for men who are in dire need of a solution to their fast balding heads. Excessive testosterone is thought of as the culprit to baldness in men, but the truth is that it is completely false. There are different more hormones in the body that can be the source of the baldness.Here are some insightful information on the real causes and what can be done to lessen the balding:

Most commonly, hair thinning for men is brought about by Androgenic Alopecia stimulated by Di hydro testosterone. The hair is left in a pattern that leaves the hair shaping like a horse shoe – it means it is a combination of receding hairline and a thinning crown. DHT is known as the hormone that affects both the prostate and the growth of hair as well. The DHT is said to affect the most sensitive hair follicle and follows a cycle of shortening the hair, thinning and soon enough stops the growth in a particular part of the scalp. Read for facts about baldness.

Notice how the hair at the back of the head seem to stay thick and are not affected by falling and thinning of hair? Because of this, doctors like Athanasios Christopoulos are particularly focused here and use it as the source of hair that will be used for the process of hair transplantation. Even if hair will be taken here, there is no reason to worry as hair follicles will grow back and continue to grow normally.

Stress, both emotional and physical, can also be a strong cause of baldness. For women who always have their hair tied or braided, or experience too much styling and use of chemicals, they are putting their hair at risk as it becomes weaker and prone to breakage. Most men are not aware but wearing caps too often, actually stresses the hair, especially if it’s tight or in direct contact with heat. What people don’t know is that when a person starts to pull the hair for no apparent reason, it’s already a condition that’s known as Trichotillomania. When a person loses someone due to an accident, sickness or whatever reason, this can bring a great deal of emotional anxiety and stress; as a result, one experiences terrible hair loss. If you have further questions, learn more here.

Hair Transplantation: Helping Bald Men Everywhere  

The Four Most Important Things You Need to Know About Hair Transplant Surgery  

2The condition that is hair loss usually gives majority of people suffering from it sleepless nights. Most of them usually wish for the day they would wake up and find the hair has grown back to the way it used to be. In men, the condition is usually caused by common male pattern baldness. This condition is quite common among many people. For majority of men, the condition is very common and it results from common male pattern baldness. Car accidents also lead to severe injuries that may cause permanent hair loss in certain injured areas. However, here are four basic things that you need to know before going under the knife.

Number one on the things you need to find out is the procedures used in hair transplant surgery. Find out the details of each procedure. There is the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) methods. There are only two procedures which are FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) methods. In FUT, a layer of skin and hair is cut and then split to small pieces before being transplanted. FUE on its part being the latest procedure is conducted in such a way that small cuttings are made under the hair follicles after which they are prepared and then transplanted to the affected area. Read to know what causes hair loss.

You need to know the procedure that go into preparing for the hair transplant surgery at Understand the do’s and don’ts before and after the surgical operation. Ensure that your doctor has all the details regarding your physical health and medical history. Your hair would also need to be evaluated.

Ensure that you are well aware about the qualification of the physician that you have selected to carry out the operation. He needs to be somebody who is well qualified and has a number of successive surgical operations under his belt. This way you will be sure that the procedure will progress well. As a result you will end up with a physician that you are certain will perform. Owing to the high success rate of these operations, selecting the right surgeon is probably the hardest part.

The amount of money the hair transplant surgery will cost you is the last thing that you ought to find out. By coming last on the list it means that at no point should it be given priority over the other three factors. After everything else is intact, then you can factor in the cost. Furthermore, you can negotiate for a lower pay with the doctor depending on your financial capability. It is only better that you get to know the amount of money you are expected to part with so that you start saving up early.

Do not rush anything; take a considerate amount of time to get the right information on the matter. More info about hair transplant may be found here.

The Four Most Important Things You Need to Know About Hair Transplant Surgery  

Hair Transplantation 101  

1You might be wondering what is hair transplant; it is actually a procedure that originates in the US in the 50s. As a matter of fact, this is a form of surgery which involves narrow strips of hair bearing scalps located at the back of the head be removed and then used to fill an area with thin or no hair already.

Majority of the procedures are carried out in the office of doctors like Dr Christopoulos under local anesthesia. The surgeon has to clean the scalp first to be able to successfully transplant hair. Then after, he or she is going to inject a local anesthesia to make the area feel numb. 3 to 4 inch strips of scalp would be removed from the area once done; when through, the surgeon will be setting it aside and sew the scalp closed. The hair that grows around the area will immediately hid it.

And then, around 500 to 2000 tiny grafts containing individual hair or few hairs each is what the surgeon will do by dividing the strip of scalp that was removed. The number of grafts and its type can be determined based on the quality, type, color and even size of area where it’ll be transplanted.

The surgeon will then clean and numb the area where the hair would be placed when the grafts are finally prepared. Placing each and every graft in all holes delicately is the next step. Most of the time, the overall process takes around 4 to 8 hours. Say for example that you want to achieve a thicker hair or you keep on losing it, then there may be a need for additional sessions. Check out for natural ways to cure hair loss.

You may notice that your scalp is tender after the hair transplantation is carried out. You have to take some pain medications for a few days in order to endure the pain. Wearing surgical dressing over your scalp for a day or two will be suggested by your surgeon. In addition to that, your surgeon will be giving you anti-inflammatory or antibiotic prescription that you have to take for several days after the surgery. There are so many people who’re able to get back into their normal routine after the hair transplantation. Click here to book an appointment with the best surgeon near you.

Within 2 to 3 weeks, the transplanted hair would fall out but you will notice new hair growth within several months. 60 percent of new hair growth after their 6th to 9th month are attained by lots of people. There are some surgeons who are suggesting drugs in order to improve the growth of hair after the transplantation.

Hair Transplantation 101